No appointments currently available with Dr Bosselmann-Schwarz
Until further notice, it is no longer possible to book appointments with Dr Talia Bosselmann-Schwarz. However, the MFORM team is still happy to assist you as usual.
At the top of their field, in constant exchange with each other: get to know our team of specialists.
Competence, commitment, empathy and the willingness to continuously improve their skills - these are the principles our team abides by in their work.
On more than 600 square meters, you will find a top renovated medical care center with ultra-modern equipment and a feel-good atmosphere.
We have high-quality technical equipment that allows us to provide top-quality diagnostics and treatments at clinic level.
We follow a clear set of values that focuses on medical quality and consistent patient orientation.
We are happy to arrange interview partners, organize filming and photo opportunities, and are available for your media inquiries.
Find out about the various MCLINIC collaborative partners in the fields of mobility and health.
Our comprehensive range of services is available to our patients both before and after treatment.
All information summarized for you at a glance if you are a patient with us for the first time.
Important information on what you should be aware of before and after your operation to ensure a rapid healing process.
If you need emergency medical care outside our opening hours, you will find all the necessary information here.
The MCLINIC International Office is the point of contact for international patients seeking excellent quality treatment in Munich.
Exclusive vouchers in the amount of your choice for all minimally invasive treatments without scalpel.
MCLINIC has been a project partner in the DigiNAM funded project since mid-2021, which involves the cooperative development of an innovative software-as-a-service system for the decentralized treatment of cleft lip and palate using nasoalveolar molding (NAM).
The aim of the project, which is funded by third parties, is to decisively reduce the effort and the burden (including treatment costs) for patients and practitioners in the currently very time-consuming NAM treatment process by developing and implementing digital design and manufacturing technologies.
This is to be made possible by digital technologies or the web-based user platform enabling efficient, decentralized use of centrally administered hardware and software units, so that the digitized NAM procedure developed in the project can largely be carried out in outpatient facilities.
In addition to the development of a fully closed, SaaS-based process chain and the production of a patient-specific NAM plate series that takes growth into account, the project also includes a clinical application and evaluation on patients as well as a trial of the digital process chain.
The MCLINIC in person of PD Dr. Dr. Denys J. Loeffelbein is – besides the Technical University of Munich and Dentavenir – one of three project partners. (More information on research activities at MCLINIC)Specifically, we and our collaborative partners will deliver a longitudinal study over the project period (June 1, 2021 to May 31, 2023). For this purpose, in addition to clinical parameters that allow conclusions to be drawn about the applicability of the digitized treatment method, 3-D photogrammetry data is also collected at each examination appointment, which can then be statistically evaluated. With our involvement in the DigiNAM project, we want to continue to consolidate and expand our positioning as a specialist and expertise in the treatment of malformations using digitized treatment pathways.
The DigiNam consortium is being funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Rural Development and Energy as part of the “Lifescience Medizintechnik“ funding initiative with a total funding amount of approx. 650,000.00 EUR.
The Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy (StMWi) supports research and development projects in the field of medical technology. Funding is available for industry-led pre-competitive collaborative projects that focus on innovative developments in the field of medical technology, i.e. collaborative projects for researching and developing new or improved products and/or processes. The funding is intended to enable research and development (R&D) work in the field of life science – medical technology and to accelerate the translation of research results into new products and/or processes. The alliances should have the potential to bring what has been researched into circulation.
Projects can be considered that
For more information, visit:
Until further notice, it is no longer possible to book appointments with Dr Talia Bosselmann-Schwarz. However, the MFORM team is still happy to assist you as usual.
The grand opening of MFORM Aesthetics is just around the corner: starting October 24th, patients can book appointments in our new practice premises in the heart of Munich.
Our medical assistant, Ophelia Banatte-Schuster, has successfully completed her 6-month, part-time training to become a certified medical facial cosmetologist.
MCLINIC | Interdisciplinary Medical Center
Am Schützeneck 8
81241 München