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12 April 2017: MFACE doctors new members of the PRIMO MEDICO network

12 April 2017: MFACE doctors new members of the PRIMO MEDICO network
Dr. Daniel Lonic and PD Dr. Dr. Denys Loeffelbein are now official members of the PRIMO MEDICO network.  The 2017 Seal was presented by Axel Müller, CEO of PRIMO MEDICO.
PRIMO MEDICO is a network for medical experts in German-speaking countries. Patients can search for doctors and hospitals fastly and efficiently on www.primomedico.com. Only renowned medical experts  are invited to join this network by a medical panel on the basis of quality and expertise. Experience, innovative concepts and reputation in research and scientific work are cornerstones of the evaluation. As a patient who has found a specialist using PRIMO MEDICO, you can directly contact the physician and also upload medical reports. If you decide to receive treatment, you can benefit from many special offers of our premium partners, for example for flight or hotel bookings. The network service is also available for international patients; the website features translations in German, English, French, Russian and Arabic. You can find more information and the presentation of Dr. Loeffelbein and Dr. Lonic on www.primomedico.com.


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